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「永續智慧光電金字塔溫室系統」的使命是克服農業正面臨:全球暖化極端氣候造成糧食短缺的問題、農民經濟收入不足造成農業傳承的問題、以及後疫情時代對於健康安全富有能量的食物需求問題。我們以整合應用創新前沿人工智慧科技發展「未來農業」,藉由人工智慧專家管理系統提高產銷效率,並且我們的溫室結構與栽培技術著重於高速通風降溫、高度節省能源和水資源、高經濟效益的空間利用、零碳排放、零農藥化肥污染、非冷鏈運送活體蔬菜栽培等,實現聯合國永續發展目標SDGs 2 永續農業發展、SDGs 3 促進各年齡層健康生活、SDGs 6 提升水資源使用效率、SDGs 7 永續能源發展、SDGs 8 促進永續經濟成長、SDGs 12 糧食浪費減半、SDGs 13 因應氣候變遷、SDGs 14 減少海洋污染、以及SDGs 15 確保陸地生態系統永續和對抗沙漠化的目標。

我們藉由「金字塔型態溫室」發展為觀光休閒用的時尚美感溫室,使用綠色環保建材和光電技術,實現農業無邊界跨界合作。「金字塔生態永續智慧農業溫室農場」,更可擴大規模發展為「金字塔生態永續智慧農業發電廠」,實現 SDGs 7 永續能源發展的目標。 Mikhail Balezin 等人於2018年發表在《應用物理學雜誌》的研究結果《Electromagnetic properties of the Great Pyramid : First multipole resonances and energy concentratio》發現:「四千多年前金字塔的超前設計,非常有利於將電磁波能量匯聚到其基底區域。金字塔的形狀與共振無線電波之間的相互作用,可能會大大推動當今奈米技術的發展。由此而成的金字塔奈米顆粒在奈米傳感器(WIFI)和高效太陽能電池(能源)領域具有極其廣闊的前景。」應用在農業方面,金字塔結構內的「電磁波能量」會自然形成空間電場、土壤電流、與水磁化作用,能幫助農民完全不需使用化學農藥、化學肥料、生長激素等有害人體的物質,就自然能高效率產出更富有營養價值以及更安全的能量農產品。「金字塔生態永續智慧農業溫室農場」是一個將源於中東的「古代金字塔建築奧秘的智慧」結合「現代科技農業」的創新結構,同時我們匯聚了「中醫能量醫學健康養生理念」,更有效全面地維護生態環境安全、耕作者的健康安全(減少因慣行農法導致的癌症發生機率與高溫工作環境導致的熱衰竭)、食用者的食品安全、以及國家的糧食安全,除了實現 SDGs 2、6、13、14、15的目標,更達到了SDGs 3 促進各年齡層健康生活的目標。



而「金字塔智能電控彩光玻璃多功能露營屋」使用獨創全球的「智慧調光膜」,是由聚合物分散液晶製成,能夠抵禦紅外線,夏季可以使房間涼爽5°C,使空調成本和耗電量減少18%,碳排放量減少了19%。產品製程不含溶劑、無廢棄物、回收超過93.8% 的水。並且可以透過遙控開關啟動玻璃的透視及霧面效果調節隱私和亮度、提供隔絕紫外線功能,以保護人體皮膚老化。「金字塔智慧電控彩光玻璃多功能露營屋」標準尺寸為底邊長寬3公尺,高2.75公尺,可以按照客戶的需求設計尺寸規格,也可以按照降溫需求使用「冰水循環節能空調系統」。



Laws and Policies:


You are welcome to make purchases at Agripyramid Co., Ltd.; please read the following terms of agreement in detail first:

The terms of this agreement apply to the one-stop shopping platform of Agripyramid Co., Ltd.; the purpose of this agreement is to protect "Agripyramid Co., Ltd." and your interests, if you click "I agree" or an option with similar meaning, or order, pay, consume or conduct related activities on the one-stop shopping platform of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. By doing so, you will be deemed to have known and agreed to all the terms of this agreement in advance.

1. Online ordering

1. In addition to the terms of this agreement, the relevant information presented on the product sales webpage and relevant webpages during the order process, including relevant transaction conditions, restrictions and instructions, are also part of the contract.

2. In principle, your consumption on the one-stop shopping platform of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. is provided by Agripyramid Co., Ltd. The information you browse or the purchases you make on the one-stop shopping platform of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. may also be the ordering services provided by a third party. In this case, you are ordering from the third party. The third party shall be responsible for performance in accordance with the transaction conditions established by it. Agripyramid Co., Ltd. only provides marketing services, links, or e-commerce platform services.

2. Interpretation of Contract

1. The terms of this agreement and the articles, items and related agreements stipulated on the relevant web pages, if all or part of the article, item, or related agreement is determined by the court to be invalid or does not constitute one of the contents of the contract does not affect the validity of the remaining clauses or other agreed contents; clauses or agreed contents that are determined by the court to be invalid or do not constitute part of the contract shall be consistent with the original provisions to the maximum extent permitted by relevant laws and regulations. Explanations or supplements that are consistent with the terms or original agreement.

2. The exercise or non-exercise of the rights obtained or assertable due to the terms of this agreement and any of the terms or relevant agreements stipulated on the relevant webpages will not affect the rights stipulated in the terms of this agreement and other terms or relevant agreements on the relevant webpages. The exercise or non-exercise of rights acquired or assertable.

3. According to the provisions of Article 11, Paragraph 2 of the Consumer Protection Law, if there is any doubt about the terms of a standardized contract, it shall be interpreted in favor of the consumer. Exercise or non-exercise of claimed rights.

3. Other agreements

1. You understand and agree that if Agripyramid Co., Ltd. transfers the one-stop shopping platform and its related rights and obligations and transactions to a third party, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. The rights and obligations of the company's e-commerce, related transactions, and related information, including but not limited to the relevant rights and obligations, etc., may also be transferred to the third party, and the third party will continue to provide services. .

2. You understand and agree that if Agripyramid Co., Ltd. must bear compensation or compensation liability to you in accordance with the law or in accordance with the contract for any reason, the compensation or compensation liability of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. shall be based on The refund of the actual amount of the disputed transaction shall be the upper limit of compensation or compensation liability.

3. You understand and agree that once you or the school, company, government unit, enterprise or legal person you represent (hereinafter collectively referred to as the "institution") becomes a member of Agripyramid Co., Ltd., you will be deemed to agree to Agripyramid Co., Ltd. externally represents that you are our customer and have a cooperative purchasing relationship with Agripyramid Co., Ltd. You also agree to authorize us to disclose information for the above purposes free of charge, permanently, and regardless of geography. Use including, but not limited to, your name, logo, logo or trademarks or those of the organization you represent.

If you need to use the LOGO on the web page in the future, you can place at the end of the page "The above trademarks are the trademarks of the original trademark owners. This page only indicates that the original trademark owners are members of this site or have a cooperative purchasing relationship with our company. They are not Other uses".

4. Governing law and jurisdiction

1. All online orders, transactions or actions you conduct at Agripyramid Co., Ltd., as well as the terms of this agreement and the agreements on related web pages, are governed by the laws of the Republic of China.

2. All disputes arising from your online ordering, transactions or actions on Agripyramid Co., Ltd., as well as due to the terms of this agreement or the agreements on the relevant web pages. If a lawsuit is involved as a result, unless otherwise mandated by law, Unless the case is subject to its provisions, the Taipei District Court of Taiwan shall be the court of first instance jurisdiction.

Privacy Policy:

1. Scope of application

1. You have the obligation to properly keep your email account and the password you set in the company's system. You are not allowed to disclose or provide the email account and password to a third party, or lend or transfer the email account and password to a third party for use. . All actions taken to log in to this service system using this email account and password are deemed to be your own actions and you shall be responsible for them.

2. If you find that your email account and password have been used fraudulently, please notify Taiwan Xingxing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. immediately; Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will be informed that your email account and password have been used. In the event of fraudulent use, the processing and subsequent use of transactions generated by the email account will be immediately suspended.

2. Personal data security

1. Regarding your personal data, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will comply with the relevant laws and regulations on personal data protection.

2. In order to complete the transaction, including but not limited to completing payment and delivery, you must ensure that all information retained during the ordering process is complete, correct, and consistent with the situation at the time. If there are any changes subsequently, you should notify us immediately Agripyramid Co., Ltd.

3. Regarding the information you retain, Agripyramid Co., Ltd., in addition to adopting a secure transaction model, also undertakes to maintain confidentiality obligations, except when providing it to cooperating manufacturers of related goods or services for the purpose of completing transactions or providing customer service. , will not be arbitrarily disclosed or provided to third parties.

4. Under the following circumstances, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. has the right to view or provide your personal information to the competent authorities, or to a third party who claims that its rights have been infringed and provides appropriate proof:

In accordance with legal provisions, or in accordance with orders of judicial or other competent authorities

In order to complete the transaction or implement the terms of this agreement, or if you violate the terms of this agreement

In order to maintain the normal operation and security of the system of Agripyramid Co., Ltd.

To protect the legitimate rights and interests of Agripyramid Co., Ltd., other users or third parties

3. System security and backup

1. Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will ensure that this system has security that meets general reasonable expectations; however, this system does not guarantee in any express or implied manner that the data you upload or transmit will be displayed normally or Processing and does not guarantee the accuracy of data transmission. If you find any errors or omissions in this system, please notify Agripyramid Co., Ltd. immediately.

2. This system will back up data regularly, but Agripyramid Co., Ltd. is not responsible for the accidental deletion of any data, or backup errors or failures, unless it is caused intentionally or due to gross negligence. Processing and subsequent utilization of transactions generated.

freightAnd payment notes:

1. Once you complete the ordering process on the one-stop shopping platform of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. in accordance with the methods, conditions and procedures specified on the webpage, it means that you have made an offer and are willing to comply with the terms of this agreement and the terms stated on the relevant webpage. Agree on the content, transaction conditions or restrictions, and order the goods or services. If the information you have retained (such as address, phone number) changes, you should immediately modify the information you have retained online, and you must not deny the order or refuse payment on the grounds that the information does not match.

2. After you complete the online ordering process, the system will automatically send you a notification via email or other means. However, this notification only informs you that the system has received your ordering information and does not mean that the transaction has been completed or The contract has been established, and Agripyramid Co., Ltd. reserves the right to accept your order. If Agripyramid Co., Ltd. confirms that the transaction conditions are correct, the goods you ordered are still in stock or the services you ordered can still be provided, and there are no other circumstances that prevent Agripyramid Co., Ltd. from accepting the order, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will directly notify the cooperating manufacturers to ship the products without further notice. If the transaction conditions are incorrect, the goods are out of stock, the service cannot be provided, or there are circumstances in which Agripyramid Co., Ltd. is unable to accept the order, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. may refuse to accept the order.

3. If you choose the billing method of school/public foundation/public agency or monthly settlement by a contracted manufacturer, please be sure to remit the purchase payment to the account designated by Agripyramid Co., Ltd. within the agreed period. If payment is not made within the agreed time limit, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. reserves the right to take relevant legal action.

4. You understand and agree that although Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will try its best to maintain the accuracy of relevant information, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. does not guarantee in any express or implied manner that all information appearing on the web page The information on or in related messages is complete, correct and current. Regarding the maximum order quantity of related goods or services, please refer to the records on the sales webpage of each product or service and the relevant webpages in the ordering process. If the price stated on the page or in related messages is incorrect:

  • If the stated price is higher than the correct price, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will only charge you the lower correct price.

  • If the stated price is lower than the correct price, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. reserves the right to refuse to accept the order.

  • If the specifications, pictures, descriptions, prices, or related transaction conditions of the relevant goods or services are incorrect, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. may refuse to accept your order within two days after you complete the ordering process.

5. After the order is confirmed, it usually takes 15-30 working days from customization to shipment, and the customization payment is more than one month (excluding holidays, the shipping period may be doubled during the epidemic).

6. For all goods or services you order, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. provides quality commitment, two-year warranty and after-sales service.

7. Regarding the goods or services you ordered, the freight calculation and payment method are determined according to the records on the sales webpage of the goods or services and the relevant webpages in the ordering process; if not recorded, the shipping costs in Taiwan will be borne by Agripyramid Co., Ltd.

8. You can choose the delivery location and method of the goods or services you ordered according to the methods, conditions and restrictions recorded on the sales webpage of each product or service and the relevant webpages in the ordering process. If the goods or services you ordered cannot be delivered after two deliveries and cannot be contacted for more than three days, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will cancel the order and provide a full refund.

9. All online purchases you make at Agripyramid Co., Ltd. and matters related to such transactions, you and Taiwan Hing Hing Agricultural Technology Development Co., Ltd. agree to use electronic files as the method of expression; Agripyramid Co., Ltd. The computer system of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will automatically record the relevant electronic transaction information. You can also check the relevant transaction information by yourself after logging into the system through the Internet. If you find that the transaction information is incorrect, you should immediately notify Agripyramid Co., Ltd.

10. The website of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. may contain many links. All the information on these linked websites or web pages are provided by the linked websites. Agripyramid Co., Ltd. does not use any The accuracy, reliability or timeliness of its content is guaranteed, expressly or implicitly.

11. If the product descriptions, prices and related transaction conditions in the e-commerce of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. are produced and uploaded by the cooperating manufacturers, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. does not make any express or implicitly guarantee the accuracy, reliability or timeliness of its content.

12. For consumer complaints or disputes, after logging in to the system, you can submit a complaint or dispute in accordance with the handling mechanism, procedures and relevant contact information specified in the online customer service system. The customer service staff of Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will assist you as soon as possible. You provide services.

Return method:

1. If the product you ordered is defective, you can request a full refund.

2. You can enjoy the right of hesitation period within 7 days after receiving the goods in accordance with the provisions of the Consumer Protection Law.

3. Regarding the methods and conditions for returns and refunds, please follow the records on the sales webpage of the product and the relevant webpages in the ordering process.

4. However, the hesitation period is not a trial period. The goods you return must be in brand new condition and fully packaged. Please pay attention to maintaining the integrity of the product body, accessories and all accompanying documents or information. If the goods you purchased have been dismantled The sealed product cannot be restored to its original condition. Please do not open the sealed product before you are sure whether you want to return it. Products that have been opened and used, have traces of not being brand new on the product, or are damaged or lost due to the consumer's personal negligence will not be returned.

5. When applying for a return, if you have a physical invoice, please put it together with the returned goods into the carton (fragile items should be properly wrapped with the anti-collision material sent by the original goods). Otherwise, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. may refuse to accept your request for return or refund.

6. For returns within the 7-day hesitation period under the Consumer Protection Act, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will fully bear the freight. Another reminder: If consumers return goods more than once without reason, their account will be suspended for 2 months, and the company will still charge shipping fees.

7. You understand and agree that if you request a return or exchange, or because Agripyramid Co., Ltd. is unable to accept all or part of your order, or the contract is terminated or loses its effectiveness for any reason, we must provide you with When handling refund matters, Agripyramid Co., Ltd. may handle invoices or discount orders and other documents required by relevant laws on your behalf.

8. Agripyramid Co., Ltd. will issue a refund within 7 working days after receiving the returned goods and confirming that they are correct. The refund will be processed according to different consumption forms as follows:

  • For those who remit money by credit card or transfer online, the company will notify you to provide your bank account number after receiving the returned goods and confirming that they are correct, and transfer the refund to that account.

  • For those who submit accounts to public agencies or monthly accounts from contracted manufacturers, please return the invoice together with the return. If the entire order is returned, the company will cancel it for you after receiving the original invoice; if part of the order is returned, the company will send you a new invoice after receiving the original invoice. If the invoice has been canceled by the accounting unit, the company will provide a refund in the form of cash coupons or stored value.

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